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Primary cavity nesting birds dig out (excavate) its nest site every year. Some examples of primary cavity nesters are chickadees, nuthatches, but the main one is the woodpecker.

By Myrna Pearman





By Myrna Pearman

Since woodpeckers like to use new cavities each year, other birds called secondary cavity nesters take over the abandoned site. Some of the more common secondary cavity nesters are mountain bluebird, tree swallows, and house wrens.
Nest boxes don't always protect bluebirds. Here is a picture of a bluebird killed in its nesting box. This bluebird was killed by a sparrow. The sparrow will then build its nest on top of the bluebird.


By Myrna Pearman

Photo by Devan

Here is a picture of a cavity excavated in a tree.  A second cavity nester may discover it for its home! 

This picture was taken along the South Saskatchewan River by a student, April 2002.

We encourage you to put out nest boxes for cavity nesting birds, because their habitats in the forests and wetlands are disappearing.

Check out information on our two favorite cavity nesters.


Mountain Bluebirds

House Wrens


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